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More Random Thoughts

There was a terrible tragedy a week ago, evil came to visit an elementary school, and took the lives of innocents. But now a week out and instead of praying for the family and victims, we have begun a witch hunt. And of course everyones favorite fantasy is to make guns illegal, it’s happened before and it’s never worked. It never will, in fact just like an atomic bomb, you can’t un-invent a technology. So even if we make guns illegal, you can still make one at home with little trouble. Arming the teachers is not a bad idea, except most teachers fear guns already. Turning our schools into prisons, which they already do here, might help, but ultimately it didn’t help in Sandy Hook. I don’t know what the answer is, Theodicy is the theology of explaining evil in the face of a good and loving God, and sometimes I just don’t think you can. Evil showed it’s face again, and it will happen again, no matter how many rights we take away from our citizens. But letting reactionary idiots on capitol hill run the conversation is going to lead to another TSA farce, where every one suffers but no one is really safe.

Finally got my iPad mini, if I’m not a certifiable Apple fanboy, then I have no idea what one is. I love the form factor, it’s just right for all the things I do, and fits into my coat pocket. The new cover for it is a disappointment, but Michelle ordered a switcheasy which will fix that problem. Now I just need an iPhone 5 :)

The house sold two days into showing, we just signed the paperwork, now to see if the lender accepts. I think he will, it’s easy money and the attorney will make it hard for him to collect anything else, I just want all this over, and to get back on with our lives, we also sign the lease on a new property today.

The Pope is calling Gay Marriage the end of our civilization, I don’t know if I would go that far. I think the whole thing is a farce to begin with, it’s an outgrowth of a society that is focused on an unequal concept of equality. There are so many now who think that everything should be ‘fair’ and ‘equal’ and they are not interested in the consequences of their ideology. The Catholic view of sex, marriage and birth control forces them to be reactionary when dealing with these issues in the first place, I can’t tell you how much bad information I’ve heard from Catholics about these topics, especially birth control. And some of the arguments from some of the biggest names are so skewed and nonsensical that I wonder if they actually believe some of the junk they pedaling. Gay Marriage is not the end of the world, I don’t agree with it, I think it’s wrong. But I’m not going to stockpile my supplies and wait for the end of the world over it, I have the Mayans for that :)

Speaking of the Mayans, I’m glad that nonsense is over.

I’m hoping for a white Christmas this year, the first year we moved into this one (almost exactly seven years to the day) we got a white Christmas, this will be the last one with all the kids here. So I want it to be special, we will do Roast beef, open presents and watch old cheesy movies, and laugh a lot. It will be good, then we finish packing and start a new adventure.

Here’s hoping your Christmas is Merry and Bright, and take some time to reflect on the reason we celebrate each year, God, through Christ, reached out and gave us a savior, and freed us from the tyranny of sin.



The point of the journey is not to arrive, anything can happen…

That line, penned by Neil Peart from the song Prime Mover (on my favorite Rush album) has always fascinated me. I don’t share Neils atheism, or his agnostic tendencies (well not all of them), but his words speak to me at a very primal level, they always have. Over the years while life took it turns and twists, my faith and the words of a man who shares nothing of my faith have kept me on track.

Here is what Neil penned for Prime Mover from the album ‘Hold Your Fire':

Basic elemental instinct to survive
Stirs the higher passions
Thrill to be alive

Alternating currents in a tidewater surge
Rational resistance to an unwise urge

Anything can happen…

From the point of conception
To the moment of truth
At the point of surrender
To the burden of proof

From the point of ignition
To the final drive
The point of the journey is not to arrive

Anything can happen…

Basic temperamental filters on our eyes
Alter our perceptions
Lenses polarize

Alternating currents force a show of hands
Rational responses force a change of plans

Anything can happen…

From a point on the compass
To magnetic north
The point of the needle moving back and forth

From the point of entry
Until the candle is burned
The point of departure is not to return

Anything can happen…

I set the wheels in motion
Turn up all the machines
Activate the programs
And run behind the scene

I set the clouds in motion
Turn up light and sound
Activate the window
And watch the world go ’round

From the point of conception
To the moment of truth
At the point of surrender
To the burden of proof

From the point of ignition
To the final drive
The point of a journey
Is not to arrive

Anything can happen…

Not everyones cup of tea I realize, but I find comfort in Neils ability to write about human nature and the forces that drive us, I find an almost brutal honesty in his words, we each have arrived at different conclusions. But that’s to be expected, one cannot read someone like David Hume and simply dismiss everything he states, or Descartes, both are on opposite side of the philosophical fence, and both are right, and wrong. That’s what makes us human, we are complicated, ethereal and corporal, a mixture of juxtapositions.
We have been on a long journey, Michelle and I, twenty seven years of marriage. There have been highs, lows, pain, suffering, and lots of joy. For a time I was hoping we would finally arrive, that our journey would finally come to a close and we could just settle down. But I missed the point, the journey is the thing, it keeps us going, we change because of it, not in spite of it. Next year it will just be the two of us, alone and together again, as it was when we first started this journey. Our children are all leaving home, it’s very bittersweet for us. There was a time when we dreamed of this day, and now that it’s finally coming to pass, neither of us are so sure it’s what we wanted after all.
Losing the house could turn out to be one of the best things to ever happen to us, we get to start the journey over, we are older, wiser, and have more resources at our disposal. I look around at all the work that is still left to do here, and I know once this is done, we will be heading in a new direction. I also realized this weekend while packing how much work this house still needed to get it fixed right, I was halfway there, but let the lender do the rest, it’s his bad decision not mine. I want to start building guitars again, I took a sabbatical for a large number of reasons, those are largely gone now. So once we settle, I’ll go back to building, and not just guitars this time. I’ve been collecting arcade part, and electronics to work on automation and gadgets, and we still want to raise clownfish.
Anything can happen…

Send in the clowns

We went bowling tonight, it’s something that we enjoy, and it gets us out of the house. It’s been a rough week, we had a blowup with our oldest son, our Marriage is strained right now, and with all of that there are legal matters to attend to. It’s day to day right now, the chickens will be off to slaughter next week, there is no other option and it was getting close to that time anyway. We will sell the coop, or find storage for it if we must. We will give up one of the dogs most likely, she’s too destructive and with rentals you can’t have an animal that chews things up. We are also going to sell some of our fish and end up with just one or two small tanks, it all rips at our hearts and causes tears.

But that’s the hard reality, we decided today that we are going to turn all this over to a lawyer and our account, and let them guide us through this. There is too much at stake and we don’t want to make any mis-steps, the lender is basically foreclosing on us, which makes me angry because we have never missed a payment. But I’ll let the lawyer deal with that, we will focus on packing and getting ready.

My faith is in tatters right now, the sun will rise tomorrow and we will move on, but we will never be the same. I’m too overwhelmed to know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. There is a deep ache in my heart, I can’t hide it, my co-workers and friends know something is up, but we’ve been pretty quiet about it. We can be philosophical and rationalize why this is better, logically I know that’s true, emotionally however I’m still not over all this.

I do think I will feel better once we get more packed and have a better idea of where we will land, the timing of this was the worst. This week everyone is out with their family, and we are falling apart, just when we need re-assurance.

There are prospects, a house in the city on a large lot looking for long term tenants (that’s us). A couple a little farther out that look very nice, we talked to one today who was so weird we just walked away. The last thing I need is a twitchy landlord to deal with, we want something cheap, that we can stay in for a couple of years, and close to work (well, closer).

I’m sure this will all get better, that the sun will finally come out, but getting there is going to be tough. I wish someone would send the clowns, we need a good laugh and smile, something cheer our hearts and let us smile from the inside out.



Packing Begins

I spent most of yesterday packing up my desk, because even if we can keep the house, I’ll be moving it to a new office upstairs. I also jettisoned all the stuff I had collected and don’t need anymore, today I’ve been setting up iTunes Match to get all my content out onto the cloud, synching up all my browsers with the main machine and getting ready to box up my Mac Pro, and move to my Retina until either I move into my new office, or we find a new home. We have found some interesting prospects, like I said before the market is flooded right now, so we can be picky and get something that will meet our needs.

We have decided that for the shop, we are going to order pallets and shipping crates for the stuff that’s hard to transport. Most things have wheels so I can move them around easily, so we are going to start cleaning each tool. Get it all up to spec, and then either stick it on a pallet and shrink it, or just shrink it for storage. Then we will get one of the Pods delivered and move the whole shop into one of those. It should just barely fit, minus the workbench which is OK, I’ve had it for about 12 years and it’s time to build a new, much better one.

We went bowling last night with some close friends, and that was a wonderful experience. It felt good to get out of the house, and do something fun with people who we love and trust. We are determined to not let this beat us down, it’s important that make the best of this. We have until March, that’s a good deal of time, the office packed up pretty quickly, and because I’m a computer nerd, I found a program to inventory and make box labels. That makes moving so much easier when you can organize and have a place for everything.

As soon as iTunes finishes I’ll be taking this computer offline, and packing the last of my office up for a while.

We also had a long talk about the Orthodox faith, we are heading back. I’m reaching out to the Father this week and see if he has some time to sit and go over our concerns in a more intimate setting. At this point we need a church family, we realize that clearly, and so this is the first step to heading in that direction.



Dealing with the unknown…

Hostess just went belly up, and 18,000 people just got unemployed, Happy Holidays!. Granted they did let union thugs represent them, and hopefully they all learned an important lesson about why unions are such a bad idea anymore. The Whitehouse and certain members of congress are pushing for adding new taxes onto those they deem rich, they will brook no compromise, the greedy must pay their fair share, so the have nots, can have. Republicans have been on a continual decline since the early nineties, and  at times, I can’t tell them apart from the democrats. I don’t trust any media news source, they all lie, spin and obfuscate the truth. And in many cases their bias is so obvious that it almost becomes comical, if it wasn’t so damn dangerous.

Around the World, hate, violence and mayhem are the order of the day, Israel is being bombed, our embassies are under attack and there seems to be nowhere to run or hide.

We live in troubled times, it’s always been this way, history makes that perfectly clear. There have been periods of peace and prosperity, but they never last. I have no doubt we will get through this administrations idiotic ideas, and another election will bring more unworthy idiots running for office. Two years from now people will elect more slimy, two faced politicians, who lie, cheat and steal and not think twice about it.

My hope is gone, it’s been under fire for a long time. But now with our home pushed into the unknown, what little was left has vanished. I don’t trust the churches, religion, government, and people in general. I honestly feel like I’m trapped on a sinking island I can’t get off of.

I know all the cliche’s about turning to God, and giving it up (whatever that meant), and there are people who are praying for us, which touches the little part of my heart that is left, but will amount to nothing. I can’t have faith, because I have no hope, and without either, I don’t see the point. If God is there, I don’t see him, and he certainly hasn’t let me in on what’s happening.

I think the two things that hurt the most is having to give away the clownfish that we raised, and have cared for. And being back under someone else’s whims in a rental situation. Well and having to pack up the shop, which will be a HUGE effort.

I confided in a friend today, it helped a little. But when I get home, I have to face the prospect of losing our home again in all it’s stark reality. It’s a big deal because it was my stable place, I could hide from the world, and I could let my creativity flow.

Writing seems to help, it’s cathartic in it’s own way. But ultimately, I have to get packing and deal with the loss, deal with the time and effort I put into fixing this place up. There’s nothing else I can do.

Monday we start the journey to work with a loan agent, to see if he can help, but since I have no hope, I don’t see a good outcome. I see us packing up, and compressing in and being unsettled for the foreseeable future. If that’s God’s plan, then he can take it, I’m not ready for it.



And out to the frying pan

We talked with our financial adviser this morning, while he thinks we could obtain a loan and keep the current house, his advice was something we didn’t want to consider. Our best option in his opinion, is to move out, find a new place to rent for a time, and let the mess that is our economy under Obama settle.

We have poured our hearts into this house, but as much as it pains me to the core of my very soul, I know he’s right.

There is time to actually pack correctly, get things in order (the shop will require special effort to box up), and find a new place to settle in. The kids are almost out, the last one heads off to college next year, so we can trim WAY down. Let go of all the stuff we have been holding, and do a reset on our lives.

The other very concerning problem is with Obama Care coming next year, companies are going to be hard pressed to meet it’s demands. There are already layoffs taking place nation wide, major employers are skirting the law by reducing working hours and some are just closing shop. It’s going to be a tough four years, and I’ve lost any hope that anyone in Washington will actually do anything about it.

So the packing begins, and the search for a new place is on.

I’m numb from all this, I know it will work out in the end, but right now it’s hard to see anything but losing our home.



Into the fire…

We just learned that we are losing our house, unless we can come up with a way to pay it off quickly, we will be out. This is not a bank issue, but something that we had worked out with our lender, we thought everything was fine, and then tonight we got the bomb dropped on us. I’m angry, hurt and not sure where to turn anymore. Michelle didn’t want to convert to the Orthodox church, I can’t go back to the Catholic church, so right now we are adrift and dealing with this issue. We do have until next year, but that’s still not much time to do everything we need, when we’ve been here for 7 years.

The looming tax burden that liberals are going to rain on the working class are the impetus for this event, the lender can’t afford them any longer, especially when they are going up steadily, and taking a big jump next year.

I hate starting over, and I thought we had finally settled for good, but it wasn’t to be.

My faith is shaken, any trust I had in mankind is long gone, and now I’m fully adrift without any tethers. I have no idea where I will end up, it’s all so raw right now I’m not sure I can’t think clearly about it.

So much to do now, and so little time.

Merry Early Christmas to Us.

I’ll blog the journey, because it’s cathartic and helps me sort through feelings and thoughts.

It’s gonna be a bumpy ride kids.



The Bitter Pill

I’m partially back to blogging again, my fingers are much better, but typing is still hit and miss due to the fact that I once had the ability to feel the keys on my left hand. That sensation is gone in one finger, and diminished in another. So my apple keyboard that I love so dearly, is now hard to use. I even bought a new Macbook Retina, and find it’s keyboard difficult to touch type on. I’ll get there, but it’s like learning all over again, and it saps my desire to sit and share my thoughts. The stairs that caused the accident are done, and I have a deeper and profound respect for anything with spinning blade.

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about the mankind’s proclivity to bend the truth in any given situation, sometimes knowingly and sometimes not.

Devin pointed me to a link on the Papacy and the East (it can be found here: Archbishop Minnerath on Rome, the Papacy, and the East), while I was completely outclassed by the level of participants, my take away from the conversation was very personal, and it enforced for me some core truths that I’ve been mulling over for a while now. However before I explain that, let me as bugs bunny would say ‘take a left turn at Albuquerque’…

I’ve pretty much used up all the middle years of my life, and one thing that has become an issue is the battle of the bulge. I’ve lost a good deal of weight over the last two years, but getting down to a ‘skinny’ weight sucks. We have been working out at the local gym, which is having a very positive effect on us, and helps with our goals. However the situation of getting good solid dietary advice is all but impossible. I’d like to explore the reasons for this a little and lay some foundational work about us as flawed human beings.

On friday we decided to hire a trainer, in our discussion with the head trainer he waxed poetic on their idea of a diet to lose weight on. Basically it consisted of a couple of things:


1. Portion Control.

2. Eating foods low on the Glycemic Index scale.

3. Avoiding foods like Carrots, which are “nothing but sugar”.

4. Eating leafy green vegetables (lots of them).

5. No Sugar free sodas or beverages which are “Just as bad or worse for you than a regular soda”.

6. Lower your salt intake.


The quoted words are theirs not mine, and it’s those I want to talk about. These people are trainers, they see lots of people in my condition, and they have a system they employ to get their results. If I follow their guidelines, I could lose 21 pounds in 20 days, and I have no doubt that works as advertised.

My issue is this: The dietary advice they are giving, while it may work. Is not only wrong, it’s deceptive.

Items 1 and 4 are perfectly fine, the other three are where the problems come in. They focus on the Glycemic Index, it’s system where they test the impact of a food on your glucose levels. What they do is have a patient fast, then eat a food item, and they run blood tests to gauge the impact. All fine and well, except that the result rely on a fasting period, which none of us do in our normal lives. There is a great deal of controversy around the system, because when applied incorrectly or without common sense you end up with the opposite results you where looking to get in the first place.

A good example is a baked potato, on it’s own it has a high glycemic index, but add olive oil which slows it’s impact on glucose levels and it becomes a low GI food item. The missing point is that it’s full of vitamins and other healthy nutrients. Another example of this kind of nonsense was a snickers bar and a cup of broad bean soup, both are very high on the GI scale, but you can guess which is better for you. No one is saying that the GI scale is bad, just that you need to apply common sense to use it correctly.

Which leads me to item 3, when the trainer said this, I registered a mental note to go do some research. Carrots do have sugar, but they also have LOTS of vitamins, fiber and other healthy things. The ADA (American Diabetes Association) recommends them as a good food for diabetics (this would mean raw or steamed, and not in a sugar glaze, common sense again). His claim that he never eats them made me suspicious, when people vilify something in the face of common sense, I begin to question their motives and methods.

The same with his final assault on all sugar free sodas and beverages, he drinks nothing but water, which sounds pretty damn boring to me. He doesn’t even drink coffee, which around here is almost sacrilegious. But when he asserted that a diet coke is worse for you than a regular coke, I again made a mental note. His reasoning is that it effects your metabolism and fools your body into consuming foods incorrectly. If you sit and actually think about that statement for a minute, you realize how patently absurd it is. I have cut down dramatically on my diet soda drinking not because they make me fat, which they can’t on their own (they have NO sugar, so no calories people), but because they have a ton of salt and aren’t all that good for you. He told me that if I was going to drink a soda drink a real one, which is the just about the worst advice I have ever heard, I’m pre-diabetic, if I want a soda I’ll do a diet so I don’t spike my blood sugar.

If you think I’m wrong on my stance here, then take it up with the ADA or the Mayo Clinic, or any number of other reputable organizations who’s information I used to come to the conclusion that my trainer is an idiot when it comes to diet. There is no science that sugar free drinks are worse for you, I almost tore into him when he started on Aspartame, which does in fact give rats cancer, IF THAT’S ALL YOU FEED THEM IN MASS QUANTITIES!! Those tests where so skewed, I’m amazed at how many people buy into crap like that, without ever digging any further than what they hear from some ‘expert’.

I’m not trying to say that the trainers at the gym are lying to us, but they are stating misinformation and using their position to qualify themselves as experts. I was able to take apart their arguments with a couple of quick google searches. They let their desire for confirmation of their vision crowd out the truth. And I can guarantee you if I walked in with a list of links showing that their positions are not backed by dietary experts, and medical organizations dedicated to this kind of science, they would never take the time to find out the truth. They would see it as an attack on their credibility, they have empirical evidence that what they believe is correct, so why would they ever question it?

You find this same position with Christians of all different stripes, from Evangelicals to Catholics, and yes even Orthodox. We build these belief systems, and then we spend our lives defending our castle of cards. It’s a human condition, Hume was right that we are shaped by our experiences. We also are rational beings ala Descartes, and once our castle is built, it takes a complete collapse before we reconsider our worldview. This is the human condition, I see it in politics, life, family, religion. So many times we are only interested in the truth that fits our preconceptions, it’s one reason that so many Atheists start out as believers, when they question their faith they run into the human need for absolutes, and especially in religion there is no room for doubt. And their questions are derided by the faithful who have no time for anything but absolutes in their world views. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, we believers are better at making Atheists than we are good solid believers.

Truth, unfortunately is the first victim in our quest to be right. I’m no better than anyone at this, I constantly question my beliefs and presuppositions. The difference is that like Einstein, I’m not afraid to admit that I was wrong given better information about any topic. What I believe today, will not be what I believe tomorrow, it will grow and shrink as I expand my understanding. There are constants to be sure, but even they can change in subtle ways. I love my wife in a deeper and different way, than I did when we first married. Today I know so much more about her, and us, what was important then, is no longer as important. The love remains, but it changes.

That’s how I view my faith, it’s been there a long time, but it’s changing, always. But it, like my marriage is changing because I have parsed through the lies, and deceptions and kept what I needed to and discarded the rest. One reason that I despise apologists so much, is they work in absolutes. Their faith demands it, but God is bigger than our absolutes, and only a fallible human can attempt to defend or define an infallible God, the fallible portion always colors the definition. It’s like the calvinist who is concerned about God’s sovereignty, the very fact that he sees the need to defend God’s sovereignty, defeats the purpose of his defense. A truly sovereign or infallible God needs no defense from fallible beings…

Catholics who claim Papal infallibility and universal jurisdiction have the same problem, they must defend both positions because the church has put them in an all or nothing situation. When history no longer works, they switch to philosophical rhetoric, arguing the necessity of their position. Round and round it goes, and there’s never a clear winner, because to concede their point, is to destroy their house of cards. Baptist’s, Lutherans, all of them do it. Because our human nature requires us to defend our house of cards, ignoring the truth that many times is so inconvenient to us.

It’s a bitter pill that we all must swallow at some time, our humanity, and our sinful nature, corrupts how we believe.

I am at a point where, I’m dealing with who I am, and what I am. What that means is that I’m at the moment apostate in my beliefs, it’s temporary while I work things out. But no amount of honey will help me swallow my own bitter pill.

We have been watching reruns of the X-Files, and at the climax of season one Deep Throat laying on the ground dying, with Agent Scully holding his head, whispers… ‘Trust No One’

Wise words..


What happens when you cross a saw blade, hot weather, a long day at work, and a stair case that needs finishing…

 Thursday evening around 7pm. I was cutting some trim wood for a new staircase, it was hot outside and it had been a long day. I’m always terrified by small pieces when cutting, so I had all my jigs out, feather boards, blade down low. But I reached over to stabilize the piece and on the way back three fingers got torn up, I didn’t lose any digits thank God. But it happened so fast, I hardly knew what to do. As it so happened Michelle was driving up just as it happened, I grabbed my hand, blood spilling out all over the place and she knew just looking at me that it was bad. I held a rag to my fingers as long as I could before looking, the pads of fingers two and three where all torn up, and number four had a slice taken out. No bones touched, just mangled flesh.

I was so angry that I actually marched back out to the shop and finished cutting the piece with a towel wrapped around my hand! Once that was done I allowed my family to talk me into a visit to the local ER, not much they could do other than a tetanus shot and some creative bandages wrapped around my finger. By the time I hit the ER, the pain was in full force. So I got pain pills as well, and sympathy from the nurses which always helps.

That was three weeks ago, as you can imagine typing is not fun right now, in fact I work at a keyboard, so I only did half a a day at the office on my first day back, and my productivity disappeared. This is my first chance to actually do some typing without bandages, and I’m already starting to get sore. There has been a lot going on, but I can’t type for very long and after a long day of coding, the last thing I want to do is come home and hurt my fingers more.

I have been reading the Church in History series started by John Meyendorf, I’ve gone from 33AD all the way to the 600’s, and I have immensely enjoyed the series, the thing I like best about the books is that they are written from a scholars point of view. Meyendorf is Eastern Orthodox, but he doesn’t play favorites, he tells it like he sees it and gives credit where it is due. I’ve learned a great deal about the early church and it’s cemented many of the reasons I finally started moving to the Orthodox faith. I’ll post more when my fingers are up to the task.

Speaking of the EO, we are still in a tentative wait and see mode, the service is so….foreign. I don’t know any other way to put it, there was structure in the Catholic Mass, and I understood how and why it was put together. But the Great Liturgy is so different and changing, I’m still not comfortable. What I wouldn’t give for some simple guides, but they seem hard to find. So I spend a lot of time listening and trying to learn what is being said. It’s not that the church is unsupportive, it’s just so radically different that it’s a struggle for me to come to grips with it, I miss the structure and simplicity of the ordinary form Mass.

I’ll post more as I continue to heal, today was the first day without bandages and by the end of the day one finger had started to bleed, so it’s back to bandages for a little while longer.




The desert of my discontent

Once again I find myself in the desert, the parched dry land gives no comfort for the weary.

In this place one can survive a long time, but no one is ever here by choice. A heart alone, devoid of life, surrounded by those who live their lives oblivious to darkness and pain.

This wasteland is of my own making, it’s a place that guards my heart. Providing isolation from those who would seek to impose their view of faith, life and love.

David has been here often, the Psalms are full of a darkness that plagued his existence. Oddly, I find comfort in his pain, it tells me I am not alone, others have shared this isolation.

How I wish I could find someone like David, who understands the pain and darkness. Instead of offering empty words, or fatuous bumper sticker theology, would just sit and suffer with me, shed a tear for my pain and simply offer nothing but sympathy.

This, more than anything else to me, is the mark of someone who understands why God whispers in the quiet hours and chooses to simply suffer with us.

Israel, Israel, your cries for justice did not go unanswered, like so many today, you missed the God of suffering in your midst.

There is a presence in the silence here, a still small voice. It calls to me, leading me on. Ahead I see the shore, and on the horizon a storm approaches, and I know I must endure, for my own good.

How did I get here?  Does it really matter?

Those storm clouds may entail bad weather, but the rain and wind are needed to wash away the stains, so when they have passed, I can walk again into the glory of a new morning.

I find nauseating the words of so many who do nothing other than live their faith through empty statements, forced piety, and smiling faces. I would like to see them suffer, for no other reason that the same Bible they so quickly quote victory from, is just as full of darkness and defeat. Unless you understand suffering, sacrifice, and pain, then you will never truly understand what victory meant to those who have gone before you.

Just as insipid are those who selectively avoid the whole truth to push their theology, who will never be able to see beyond the lifeboat of their tightly held beliefs. They spend more time patching holes in their boat, than learning to swim in the storm of truth, they can never be free until they understand that truth lives outside our safety nets.

I’m surrounded by those who claim the title of Christ, but seem to have no measure of him anywhere other than their empty words. Justin Martyr said the same thing in his first apology written in the first century, funny how some things never change.

But I digress (not without good reason, mind you)

This place is temporary while I sort through what has become of my life, I have left the safety of the Catholic Church because I can no longer support their claims made in the last two centuries, they chose to make those beliefs dogma leaving no room for dissension.  I have not yet fully entered into the arms of the Orthodox church, doctrinally I find them them to the most solid, but aligning my western worldview, with their eastern one is no easy feat. And I truly feel like an infidel, who has invaded a strange and holy place.

So for now I live in desert of my discontent, I find solace in those who have been here before, they filled the bible with their pain as well as triumph. It will all end, and the sun will shine again, but for now I need to carry on, and keep my eye focused on the prize.

This road has taken it’s toll, it’s meandered in out and of this place many times, but I still push on because I know that he’s calling me onward. At one time I thought the road stopped in Rome. I no longer know where it will stop, I’ve stopped worry about the where, and have just gotten busy with the moving part, one foot in front of the other.

I’ve been here before, but this time is different, this time I’m simply pausing to re-collect who I am, before I’m led on towards a new direction.