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Crossing the great barrier…

Over at St Joseph’s Vanguard, there have been some conversations about the orthodox faith, you can view them here:

Orthodox Question: Immaculate Mary


The 6 Attractions of Eastern Orthodoxy

and here (read down for a good irenic discussion of contraception):

The Achilles’ Heel of Orthodoxy

I like Devin, I like his Apologetics and he writes about topics that interest me. I don’t always get involved, but I do read every post. The three discussions above have sparked an interest in checking out the Orthodox faith, during our personal conversion Michelle and I did talk about it, but could only find one little tiny church way on the other side of town. So in essence we skipped it, and ended up going Catholic.

I’m happily Catholic after years of evangelical nonsense, but there are Catholic issues that have always bothered me, I’ve been open and honest about that. There is an interesting discussion in the second and third link about contraception and the Catholic belief. From my viewpoint the Catholic position is far too legalistic to make any kind of sense when you bring Grace into the picture. The whole idea of any barrier method of contraception being a sin (and a mortal one at that), and then allowing NFP (Natural Family Planning) which is just a different form of natural barrier contraception is a real problem. Catholic Apologist will bend over backwards to say the two are different, but let’s be honest and admit that the point of contraception, and the point of NFP is to prevent pregnancy. You can argue successfully that contraception has other ramifications, but that misses the core purpose. In my opinion trying to disassociate the two so you can say one is licit (NFP) and the other is not (barrier contraception or BC) is dishonest at best. Just to be clear I’m only referring to non-abortive contraception here, anything else I agree %100 with the church on.

I’ve long held that the Catholic position on BC is nothing more than an idealized view of sex in marriage, with little basis in reality. Apologists will say that the pleasure found in sex is a gift from God and that the sole purpose of sex is procreation, that’s a statement that only someone either celibate, confused, or trying to stake out a theological position would make. I’ll put this as plainly as I can: there is nothing on this earth that feels better than sex. Can anyone truly argue with this statement? (I’m sure someone could, but I’d ignore them as being a crank), and if my premise is true (which for me it certainly is), then why would God make it so? Why take something so exquisite and turn it into a secondary? If your married, can you deny that intimacy in marriage makes it stronger?, if you deny that then how do you explain the Song of Solomon? If there ever was a book that bordered on religious porn, it’s that. Obviously our desires for our spouses is a good thing, so why deny it and subvert it’s obvious purpose?

I’ve heard arguments that the church is obsessed with sex, and in a way I suppose that’s true. To be fair however it is an important topic, and one that the bible constantly refers too, so the church is not out of line addressing it. The problem I have is that their position is so entrenched that they are not capable of taking modern science into view, the church states that it values science, but in this area it will not be budged by any revelation science can bring.

The Orthodox position is actually very closely aligned, with small allowances made for couples who having children could pose health issues, for either the parents or child, or other factors. While still restrictive, the very fact that they are willing to consider alternatives in a valid marriage is very attractive. In what little reading I’ve done, they have a more realistic view of sex in marriage, and yet it’s still very close the Catholic position. One big difference is that they do not believe the ONLY reason for sex is procreation, a view which I wholly agree with.

One issue I want to point out, is that in reading Catholic material on the topic, and listening to various Catholic apologist (Catholic Answers Radio is a constant source of frustration for me ;), it becomes clear that many who write about sex from the Catholic viewpoint, either don’t understand it, or live in a world run by the Disney Animation team. I’m not sure how to say this without offending someone: Sex in marriage is not about angels, candles, and saying a prayer while participating (and if it is, your doing it wrong, trust me on this). Sex is physical, animalistic in some parts, and a very base activity (for both Humans and Animals). That doesn’t make it unholy, God is not interested in our view of how he created things, and to deny this very physical part of sex is just wrong. It’s taken me years, but during our conversion I’ve come to the conclusion that what many people think about things that are holy, are just plain wrong. We are disgusting beings, we sin, we make messes, we are anything but pure and white in our physical being, and yet God loves us. So applying a biblical standard to the common human needs just doesn’t seem to align with a God who would create us this way. Just bear this in mind, can any believer deny that Christ in the incarnation, didn’t have to go to the bathroom like the rest of us? (trying to be polite here). I’m not trying to be disgusting, but to point out that if he was truly incarnate, then he had to do the same disgusting things we do as humans. Meaning that holiness has little to do with our physical nature, if that is the case, then why treat sex (which is pretty darn physical) as something different?

The other issue that bothers me deeply, is just how little some Catholics think about these issues. While in RCIA, a friend was going on about a Catholic speaker who made the statement that “Ladies, remember that birth control was invented by a man!!”, She offered this little gem as is if it surmised a whole and successful argument. I didn’t challenge it at the time, but this type of inductive reasoning makes the Catholic position less defendable (and I’ve heard that kind of nonsense a lot). I could take the same premise and make all kinds of wild statements based on supposition and bad syllogisms. I could have countered: “Ladies think about this: Only MEN have ever been to the moon, remember that next time you feel its romantic effects ladies!!”. Its the same with statistics, every generation claims that they are the worst, or that some moral issue is destroying the fabric of their lives from the last generation. When I was Baptist, it was atheism and darwin. Those evils where destroying everything, but with just a *little* research one finds that the Atheists have a point about how stupid believers can be, clinging to anything that furthers their message, and jettisoning anything contrary to their theology. My point is not to defend Darwin or Atheists, but to point out that in our desperate search for the truth and information that supports our theology, we ignore all those little issues that could cause us to question.

So where am I headed with this, well a couple of things really…

1. While I agree with %98 of what the Catholic church teaches about sex in marriage and contraception, there is a small percentage I think they get wrong.

2. Again we need people in our day and age who challenge what they are told, I am so amazed when people say we live in the information age, you couldn’t tell tell from how little people know about core issues or even think about things and just follow what they are told.

3. I’m finding that on some issues, I am in alignment with the Eastern Orthodox church’s.

Not sure where that will lead, but its an interesting development nonetheless…

Make with it what you will…


P.S. I didn’t cite a bunch of sources, which I probably should have. But doing so takes time and more effort than I have in me right now. There is a logic test next week, and as usual I have to get studying or fail 😉


Raising Saltwater Aquaria – The Building Blocks – Part 1

We have been raising clown fish for a couple of years now, in that time there is a great deal of information that we have learned. There is always more to learn, I’m no marine biologist. But we have raised a good number of hatches to maturity, along the way we have had some serious heartbreaks. Losing an entire hatch in the period of a couple of hours, can break your spirit and make you want to give up, we have been unable to raise any tomato clowns, despite repeated attempts.

Read moreRead more


Finishing the new changes

Still doing some work around here, the site has been moved to a new host. I’ve updated the software along with adding some new plugins, debating if I want a tag cloud and other pieces on the site.

Comments should be working now, and everything is much faster on my end. I didn’t realize how slow the old site was until I got this one in place, and started actually updating things. I’m hoping to have all the changes wrapped up this week and to start actively posting again next week. I’m even going to hook twitter up with an account built just for the site.

I’m also going to spend a little time on the theme today, it has a ton of options that I have yet to play with…




About Steve…

It’s been almost two weeks since Steve Jobs passed away, and the outpouring of sympathy seems to finally be ebbing. I’ve been holding off commenting for a while, until things calmed down a little. But now seems like a good time to give some thoughts on Apple, our culture and icons.

For all intents and purposes, I’m an admitted Apple geek. I started with a newton, and have since owned a good number of Apple products, I’m writing this on an iPad in fact. In my backpack is my MacBook pro sitting next to me. So yeah, I’ve got the bug.

But the thing about Apple is that they scare me, they represent a new breed of individual who’s concepts of right and wrong overshadow any need for true freedom, google and Facebook in the same way seem to care little privacy and more about the experience. I’ve known people who worked for Steve, and I’ve heard all kinds of things about him. I was always struck by his genius and his drive for perfection, he really cared about the details. Apple has created some great products, but they can be quirky and stubborn, how long did it take them to fix the cut and paste stuff on the iPhone? That was an obvious one even I could have called.

This generation seems to be without hero’s, and it seems to me a sad commentary that so many have placed so much faith in who was no doubt a genius, but also a flawed human being. I would never consider Apples treatment of Adobe a good thing, and I think Steve tarnished his image with his petulant treatment of anyone who disagreed with him.

Where this gets weird is that all most people knew about Jobs was his carefully crafted image, and that more than anything else speaks to the how shallow our culture has become. We live in an age where polish and shine, matter more than substance and character.

I liked Steve, I thought he was brilliant, he will be missed. I will always be an apple person. But Steve was in the end less than the hype, and less than someone I would call a hero.


Now this is cool

I’ve had this little app on my iPad for a while now, it allows me to post from anywhere, and since my iPad is my constant companion. I can update the site more often with little things!!

They seemed to have fixed some of the major glitches, and it seems fully functional, so expect updates more often, I’ll even add a nonsense category :)

So I’m working a release schedule, writing documentation and listening the Beatles!!!



A little sweeping up around here…

It’s finally fall, the leaves are turning, the air is crisp. The car was covered in ice this morning, and I got to wear my favorite wool jacket (it’s the little things that count). I’ve been thinking about the blog for some time, it’s really unfinished and needs some TLC. So I’m committing to writing once a week at the least, updating the site and getting everything where it needs to be. Devin Rose was going to comment on my review of his book, but comments aren’t working, not sure why since they seem to be turned on.

So I’ll spend some time this week monkeying with everything, there is a new WordPress version out (when isn’t there anymore), I’ll install that, upgrade the other pieces and hook this up to twitter and Facebook. I’m also going to add a section about clownfish and raising marine aquatics, because it’s something I love to do and I have a lot of information that could be helpful to others who are breeding marine animals.

I’m also going to add a section for people who have questions about the Catholic faith, but are not sure where to turn. For us it seemed like a long painful process, Michelle told me yesterday how mad I made her at times when I wouldn’t take any of our Protestant beliefs on faith anymore. I never realized that I frustrated her so much, especially while attending the reformed church. The more I dug into the actual theology of the elect and the reprobate, the more frustrated she got. She was willing to take it on faith, I was not and followed it all the way to its dark conclusion. It’s what drove us from the church. I suppose that’s a story I need to share in detail, I’m not an apologist or theologian. But I have over the years been involved with most of the main Protestant faiths, the experience led us finally to Rome. I also need to explain to my family just why I actually converted, because I am miles apart now from where everyone else is, and I have yet to really testify why.

The only kink in my plan is school, I don’t know why, but logic is the hardest things I have ever done. I get the principles, I get the point, but doing a 6-9pm class every wednesday night is murdering my brain! And I find the homework so tedious, the book is way too wordy. So in frustration I hired a tutor, I’m hoping he can help clear the confusion.

Cheers for now… More to come..


If Protestanism is True

I just finished reading Devin Roses “If Protestantism is True” (amazon link to the Kindle book), the book accomplishes a task that in many ways has been missing from discussions about the Catholic faith. There are a number of books that attempt to take on the objections that Protestants bring up about Catholicism, I have a good number of them myself. But very few actually helped me with my conversion process, and while Devin’s book is certainly a blessing. It could have saved me time and heart ache while converting to Catholicism, for anyone looking at the Catholic church coming from a Protestant background, Devin’s book a must read.

Devin takes on the core issues with the Protestant churches, the largest of which is the canon of scripture and the Protestant belief in Sola Scriptura. In this respect the author does a good job in laying out just how hollow and circular the whole Sola Scriptura concept really is. What I liked so much about his approach is just how balanced and condensed the information is, it’s not a deeply theological or apologetical book, but it is approachable and well laid out.

My only real issues are that sometimes Devin’s polemic wears a little thin, the title of book gets used more than it should and seems to missing from some areas and used more heavily in others. I also felt that the section on Catholic Doctrine regarding the ‘Rules’ of the church, was pretty weak. A year ago I would have dismissed it out of hand as another failed attempt to explain how the church is actually different than the Pharisees and Scribes.

I tend to be very critical of Apologists, I was taught that when you argue a point about theology, being irenic was a vastly better way to approach the issue. I tend to lump Apologist into three types:

1. Polemics like Calvin, who go to war over every little issue.
2. Irenic, those who take the time to understand the other sides position and explain it with clarity.
3. Polishers, those can’t seem to admit any doubt about their statements, everything is simple and rosy in their explanations.

Of the three types, I vastly prefer option 2, I find that I learn more, and that their approach is more charitable. Jimmy Akin falls squarely into this category, and now Devin Rose. Just to be clear, types one and three are not wrong or bad per se. You need some polemics to make your case, and you need to be careful with how you present your argument. But in my opinion most apologists don’t even get close to being Irenic, and in their zeal to present their case lose site of how information can impact the reader.

I can’t recommend this book highly enough, it’s only $2.99 on Amazon and worth every penny.



When in Rome (or Vegas)….

It’s been a busy time since I last posted, Michelle and I took a trip to Vegas on business. I enjoyed the conference while there (it was all geek technical stuff), but to be honest, we pretty must despised Vegas by the end. Too much smoke, alcohol and people who really find something better to do with their time. We ate at some great places, watched Phantom of the Opera (which was a good show), but the only shop we could afford to buy anything from was the Apple store (and that was for an adapter), everything else was so flipping high end it was just ludicrous. I mean who can afford a $5000 purse in this economy? and the bigger question is who actually needs one?

We enjoyed parts of our trip, but quickly soured on how agressive the casino’s have become on keeping people there. We got pulled aside more than once to invest money so we would return the following year, I know Vegas is hurting and that unemployment is at %15, but that wasn’t helping. There are some interesting sites, but they get spoiled by the constant ding ding ding of the slot machines, and women too old to wear revealing clothes… my eyes still hurt…

I guess we are just getting older, and most likely more conservative in our advancing years 😉

I’ve been super busy with School, I had a logic test the week we got back from the trip, studied until I was sick of studying, and figured I would just scrape by. But I nailed an 86!!, and on the next day test she gave a bonus points test, which I had one night to study for, on that I got a 9 out of 10!!. There another test this coming Wednesday, and so the kitchen table is covered with truth tables, logic problems and lots of notes with all kinds of charts. I’m not sure why, but I love Philosophy and Theology, they make sense to my brain, but converting that to Logic is a constant struggle. It forces to me to doubt if this is even the right direction for me, at least once a week. I will finish this class, and I *WILL* pass, but it’s been the hardest thing I have done in a long time.

I was able to Lector again last weekend, which is always a blessing. I take it very seriously, spend time studying and pronouncing the text, and make sure that I honor the gift of being able to serve. I’m actually pretty loud, partly because over the years I have done countless presentation and impromptu speeches as part of my Job. At every Mass, after I partake of the Eucharist, I sit down and say a little prayer thanking God for his mercy and grace, and allowing a sinner like me to partake in such in an important event in our Christian faith. It’s doubly so when I can actually help in any with bringing the liturgy to others.

Summer has finally ended, the house is filled with sticky fly’s, which seem to invade Idaho every time this year. I spent 30 minutes yesterday and took out as many as I could with prejudice, to the point I tore up the fly swatter (take that!! AHA!!!, Again, Again… Touche…). As I right this my next victim is crawling on my monitor, unaware of how fast I can swing that fly swatter… lkKHJYsdfsdfg dhg .. Got him!!!

Right before we left on our trip, we bought a Peppermint shrimp that was pregnant. We’ve raised clownfish, but never shrimp. So I assembled a tank (I keep lots of spares), and let her gestate. The day before we left the tank was filled with baby peppermints, they are on week three and we’ve had some losses which is normal when you raise marine animals. But there is still a good number in there and they seem to be growing, so hopefully by next week, they’ll have moved past the morph stage and settled down. That’s the critical time for peppermints, and if we can get there, then we can finish raising them. They are actually pretty easy to raise, just tedious. The hard part is growing out enough brine shrimp, but I think we have that licked as well.

Finally I’ve been reading St. Theresa Avila and the Interior Castle, it has so much depth and clarity that it has changed the way I look at who I am. I’m still digging through it but boy is it good, Father Chase recommended it as something that would help me come to grips with my pain, and it’s working. If you hurt for no reason, pain can be unbearable. But if you give your pain a purpose, I find at least, that it’s more than tolerable. It doesn’t make my hurting any less, but it gives it meaning and direction and I can use it for the good of others, how much more can I ask for than that.

As the weather gets colder, I’m looking forward to a wet fall, and cold winter. My project at work will make it’s first huge milestone at the end of the month, which will take off a ton of pressure and give me some time to re-focus, on the next stressful task. :)




9/11 Ten years later

10 years, 3000 innocent deaths, 2 wars, young men giving their lives for our freedoms. A world changed, and a country that lost its innocence in one horrifying day.

And then today this comes up in the Liturgy of the Word:

I will never be fully anti-war, no one could argue that we should have left Germany to their own devices. But maybe along the way we missed something crucial, maybe we over-reached, maybe, just maybe, we overreacted. I’m glad we got Osama, I would have pulled the trigger myself, and slept like a baby. I support our men and women who give so much, and get so little in return.

But this makes me wonder where we are headed, and what future generations will face.

10 years is a long time, a lifetime for some, I can still remember that Tuesday morning like it was yesterday, and it still deeply moves me. But now I feel sadness, and frustration at the futility of so much hate.

God Bless America, I love this country, and I worry about where we are headed.



Tempest in a Teapot

There is a old saying among those who program for a living: It’s either feast or famine when it comes to work.

Right now, and probably late into next year it’s feast time, I have more work than I can handle, to the point that I’m losing sleep worrying over details and making sure what I build will last for years. That, more than anything else is why there have been no new posts, it’s impossible to find the time to dedicate to updating the site. On top of that I’m back at School, doing my second year of Philosophy, so there’s not much room upstairs right now to construct some new pieces. In lieu of that, here are some things that have been on my mind that at some point I’ll develop into larger pieces:

Receiving Communion

We joined the Catholic church in large part because we found many of the protestant claims and practices to be anything but truly biblical (something I’ll write on later), more importantly as we moved through our journey we began to see how inappropriately Communion was being handled. When we finally arrived at the doors of the Catholic church, we knew we had finally found others who believed in the sanctity of the Eucharist and would treat it with the respect it deserves.

However now Catholic, we have found a division in the church regarding how the Eucharist should be taken, many want to go back to a kneeling rail, receiving communion on the tongue only. Strip away all the vitriol and condescending language, and what you finally get to is simple: people are concerned that the Eucharist not getting the respect is deserves. I couldn’t agree more, from people who dress in baggy shorts, to a father who wore shorts and a casual shirt to his child’s baptism (Seriously!). I’ve been shocked more than once by how people act and dress when they enter the house of God, so I very much agree with their position.

Where I disagree with is their emphasis on going back to the pre-Vatican II Mass, their characterization of anyone taking communion standing, or their vitriol on anything they see and not pious enough. We can change the whole liturgy, do it in latin, re-model the sanctuaries to go back to the altar at the front. All of that is fine, but it won’t change the level of respect that people have for what they are taking. The reason is simple, if we don’t educate, then we fail in being Catholic. Father Z makes the statement “Save the Liturgy, Save the World”, wrong. Changing the liturgy just makes a new set of motions to go through, so I would like to counter with this: “Save The Catechesis, Save The World”.

There is no reason to disparage those whose only option is to take communion in the hand, they can be just as respectful as those who use the older forms. The Catholic church is suffering from the same problem that the Protestant churches suffer from, lack of proper instruction. There is no depth in the laity, it’s an epidemic across the whole of the Christian world. I would love to see people come to Mass dressed in conservative clothes, showing respect for the Eucharist and taking it seriously. How can you wear shorts, floppies, an old shirt, and then receive your Lord in communion? Now if that’s all you can wear or own, then you know what, that may be your best clothes. The point is it’s about HOW we internally approach the mass, not our outward appearance, but I’m pretty certain that people in my parish own more than just shorts and floppies. We have to change the internal, once we do the rest will take care of itself.

Recent Reading List

To manage my sanity, I read as much as I can, so here are some books I have recently found to be enjoyable:

Anything by Eoin Colfer
I actually enjoyed the Harry Potter series, and I have found that Artemis Fowl is a good enjoyable read. Good humor, and solid, but amusing characters.

Fr John Hardon
I found this from a reference made at Fr Z’s site, so I picked it up. It’s part of my normal morning reading routine now, it’s deep and incredibly well written. Very rich Catholic resource, he reset my thinking on John Calvin, I had never thought of double pre-destination as Manichean in nature, but Hardon nailed that one.

Dante’s Inferno
I’m not much into classical literature, I’m a programmer at heart, so get the point, NOW. We talked about Dante at length in our religious class, so I decided to take the plunge. I have four translations on my kindle, but this was the only one that made sense to me. I despise anything written in prose, using flowery language, and while I found the story interesting. It was too predictable for my tastes, I was expecting more based on everyone else’s experience.

Steven Ray, Crossing the Tiber
Good solid story about one mans conversion to Catholicism, well written if a little short. Ray does give a good defense for some of the core tenets of the Catholic faith.

The Rite, Matt Baglio
We watched the movie one day when I was home sick, so I bought the book. Very interesting read, much more interesting than the movie in my opinion, and it gives an insight into a part of our faith we don’t talk much about anymore.

Why Catholics Are Right
Good book, I would recommend it with reservations. Coren makes some good arguments, but in some cases his enthusiasm gets in the way of what he is trying to say. It’s more than a little Polemic, which is OK in some cases, but I find many times people when doing Apologetics tend to say too much. A quick read, if you can deal with Coren’s zeal for the topic.

The Fathers Know Best
Wow, I don’t know how else to put it. Jimmy Akin is one of the very few Catholic Apologists that I actually trust, this book is filled with Wisdom and fabulous information. I gobbled this up, it was mind glowingly good. The thing I like so much about Mr. Akin, is that he is so irenic and respectful when we argues a point, to me, that is the hallmark of a good Apologist. Highly Recommended reading.

Light of the World
This is an interview with the Holy See, a good read, and an interesting insight into a man who is trying to unite the World. As a Catholic I respect the Papal office, as a believer I am truly humbled by this great man, he is such and inspiration. I can only hope to stand in his shadow one day. Highly Recommended.

Upon this Rock
Another Steven Ray book, I actually didn’t finish it because he made such a good case that half way through I was convinced. Since it’s on my Kindle, It’s now part of my reference library. If you have any doubts about the Papal office, it’s beginnings and history. This is the book to read, I heard many times while protestant that the Papal office was a Roman invention and was not part of the early church, Ray takes that argument apart and clearly shows Apostolic succession and clear support of the Papal office from the beginning.

Chickens and Fish
Our chickens are now a year and a half old, we get a daily supply of fresh eggs, and a bug free back yard. This morning I got up early, and sat on the swing and watched the sunrise while reading my logic homework. I also let the Chickens out to forage for bugs, it was a little peaceful slice of heaven. Later today we will take our second batch of Clownfish to the local fish store, we have successfully grown two full batches. They are cute little guys, and being hand raised are very friendly. But they are old enough now to find a new home, our older pair of Clowns have stopped laying eggs. So we have been able to take a break, but we have a new pair of Picasso’s that hopefully will start laying before the year is out. Then we will start the process again 😉

Pain and Golf
Both are four letter words for reason, I’ve been playing a great deal of Golf lately. Today is the first saturday I’m not out at a course, but there are already plans to pick up the pace as weather cools. I’m thinking this year we will continue until the snow hits, and I’ve found that once again I really love getting out and causing a little mayhem. We bought a set of irons a few years ago, and that was a great investment, I intend to wear them out this year.

Finally, my pain is back. I’m not sure what or why or even how. Some nights are so bad that my thoughts are filled with dark ideas, it’s more than just my joints, everything hurts. And we don’t know why, we have yet to find a cause. It effects my sleep, which in turn effects my pain, which effects my sleep, which… I’m uncertain anymore if it will ever get better, for now all I can do is keep moving, hopefully we will find a solution. Say a prayer, for Michelle and I both, she is dealing with pain in her legs. Getting old sucks, and we aren’t even old yet!!!

I hear a logic book calling my name, my first test is Wednesday, so study I must.
